Rhodesians.co website logo with Flame Lily and Rhodesian coat of arms


Gif file containing coat of arms and seals from Monomatapa, Lobengula and flags and emblems of Rhodesia, Rhodesia and Nysaland, the Army and Airforce and Flame Lily flower

Topical articles about Rhodesia; past and present

[History of Portuguese East Africa, and rivalry between Britain and Portugal in Southern Africa in 19th century]


[Slavery in Malawi (formerly Nyasaland); and the role of David Livingstone then Harry Johnston to end the slave trade]


[Fort Victoria to Salisbury: The Latter Part of the Journey of The Pioneer Column in 1890]


[War history of Rhodesians from Boer War, through the World Wars, and beyond]


[Opposing forces during Rhodesian Bush War - strengths and casualties; and impact on civilians]


[Escalation of protests against Robert Mugabe before the coup d’état and ongoing unrest]


[Emmerson Mnangagwa brought a change of name only when he succeeded Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe and the oppression for more than forty years continues]


[“I’m grateful to have been born and bred in Rhodesia!" by Rueben Mbofana]


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